
Showing posts from July, 2017

G.Y.M. Cebu: Unmasked

                    G.Y.M. Cebu officially welcomed the youth to its first Youth Huddle with a masquerade-themed “acquaintance” party last July 1, 2017. The Youth Huddle was held at the Divine Grace Fellowship church hall in Mactan, Cebu and was participated by 34 young teens and 14 ates and kuyas from different areas in Cebu. It was the first time for 24 of the teens to join the Youth Huddle. The event started off with a Just Dance video where everyone tried to mirror the dance moves on the screen. Everyone had fun following and sometimes making their own, dance moves. After that, they got to know each other more through a game where questions were asked depending on the dominant color of their masks.             After everyone was done laughing and was well warmed up, Kuya Mark Geonzon led the group with a prayer and worship songs that were familiar and relatable to the youth. The youth and staff praised God together through songs of worship. Kuya Andrew Rota